Who can attend?
Anyone! We have a diverse student population from many different cities, backgrounds, cultures, etc. We have students that come from other private schools, public schools, and homeschool programs.
Are you a public school?
No, we are a private school, although we have some students that are homeschool students that participate in our Mentoring, STEM, and Conservation programs.
Is there a cost?
Yes, there are tuition and fees for attending as a full time or part time student.

Can we start anytime?
Yes, for the most part. As long as we have openings you can start the application process. Or you can apply and be put on the wait list for openings.
What does a typical day at Modern Minds look like?
Do I need to bring a laptop?
Students spend around 3 - 4 hours on virtual, and then 2 - 3 hours on enrichment. We have several recess periods, lunch and snack time.
All students bring their own devices, and if they are enrolled in online classes, a laptop is the best choice.

Which virtual school should I enroll in?
Your virtual school is a choice made by you and your parents. There are several choices available, but most of our students opt for Florida Virtual School FLEX.
Can I come part time?
Yes, we have students that attend both full time and part time.
Can I choose a different curriculum?
Yes, we also have Homeschool students that opt to choose their own curriculum and not virtual school, and still join our Mentoring, STEM, and Conservation programs.

Do we still have to take FASST or other standardized tests?
Depends on the program you enroll in, we help determine whether or not you participate in state wide assessments.
Besides tuition, what other costs are there?
What grade levels are at Modern Minds?
There is a $350 enrollment fee, and a $100 materials fee. In addition, any field studies may have a fee.
We accept grades 3 - 8 at our school for all programs.

Is Virtual Learning For You?
Families Enjoy the Options!
Virtual School Mentoring
More and more families are embracing online learning to meet the needs of their children! Virtual school enables your family flexibility of time, diverse options of courses, independent pace of learning, and a personalized approach to learning.
However, most parents lack the time and resources to ensure their children's needs are being met and they have a chance at online success. Our program:
Provides a dedicated time and space for your child to work in their Florida Virtual School program.
Provides your child with a certified teacher to oversee their progress and give support when help is needed.
Allows for flexibility of time within our daily schedule.